Advanced Search
Note that items may not have information filled in for every field and, as a result, may not be found in queries that look for values in such fields.
-1)){ alert("Search words input is invalid. Please make changes and resubmit your search."); return false; }; if( isNumeric(searchForm.priceMin.value) == 0 ) { alert('Min item priced field must be a numeric value.'); searchForm.priceMin.focus(); return false; }; if( isNumeric(searchForm.priceMax.value) == 0 ) { alert('Max item priced field must be a numeric value.'); searchForm.priceMax.focus(); return false; }; if( isNumeric(searchForm.FmvMin.value) == 0 ) { alert('Min items with FMV field must be a numeric value.'); searchForm.FmvMin.focus(); return false; }; if( isNumeric(searchForm.FmvMax.value) == 0 ) { alert('Max items with FMV field must be a numeric value.'); searchForm.FmvMax.focus(); return false; }; return true; }; function goToPage(iPage){ displayPage2.stN.value = iPage; displayPage2.submit(); }; function showFlexCatFields(iCat){ document.searchForm.action = 'advancedSearch.cfm'; document.searchForm.submit(); }; function setDaysOfMonth(monFldName, onMonth){ var x = document.getElementById(monFldName); var x_length = x.options.length; while(x.options[1]){ x.options[1] = null; }; var z = new Date(2020, onMonth.value, 0).getDate(); for(var j=1;j<=z;j++){ var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = j; option.value = j; x.add(option); }; }; function showLoadMoreItems(pNum){ document.getElementById('stN').value = pNum; document.getElementById('displayPage2').submit(); }; //-->
Note that items may not have information filled in for every field and, as a result, may not be found in queries that look for values in such fields.
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