Display still and movie cameras (SOLD)

Auction ID 1669
Status Closed
Type Standard (PQT)
Started 2/29/2024 10:29 AM MST
Ended 2/29/2024 10:45 AM MST
Quantity 0
Minimum Bid Increment N/A
Manufacturer None
Organization Groups Valley
Equipment Location Tempe - Tempe , AZ


SKU 25875-NEG
Condition Code Used (Poor)
Weight 10.000 lbs

Display still and movie cameras MSD # 9596 Kodak Special 2 16mm Camera : 6 Kodak Cine Ektar Lenses Bolex NON-RX camera with VF, grip, and 75mm lens and YVitar 16 millimeter non-RX lens Soligor 35-70mm F2.5/3.5 lens Canon AT-1 Canon G-3 QL

Product Photos

Display still and movie cameras

Location / Contact Details

State AZ