Catalog - Items Sold

Aqua tek 70 Liquid Autosampler
8532-AREV Tekmar Dohrmann 11/4/2019
8378-PSUR Supelco 7/15/2019
Agilent 7683 series injector
17009-PSUR 11/15/2021
Aqua tek 70 Liquid Autosampler
8533-AREV Tekmar Dohrmann 11/4/2019
Aquapal 3
15239-PSUR csc scientific co 4/20/2021
Arbiter Systems 921A Combustible Gas Meter
6663-PSUR Arbiter Systems 7/15/2019
Assorted misc. Laboratory material
8606-PSUR N/A 4/23/2019
Assortment of Laboratory Glassware
8605-PSUR N/A 4/23/2019
Atomic Absorption Systems
8422-PSUR ZEEMAN ATOMIC 9/23/2020
AutoSampler Tray for HP 5890 Gas Chromatograph
1688-LABX Hewlett-Packard 10/17/2017
Cap Crimper
8557-PSUR Pierce Chemical Co. 6/10/2019
Cap Crimper
8558-PSUR Hewlett Packard 6/10/2019
Cap Crimper
8559-PSUR Hewlett Packard 6/10/2019
Conductivity Detector CD20-1 & Lab Digital Chromatography
8390-PSUR 4/23/2019
Fisher Hamilton Fume Hood
6373-PSUR Fisher Hamilton 10/8/2018
Gilson 223 Sample Changer
8542-PSUR 4/23/2019
Gilson 223 Sample Changer
8543-PSUR Gilson 4/23/2019
Hamilton industries fume hood and solvent storage units
6380-PSUR Hamilton Industries 10/9/2018
Hamilton industries fume hood and solvent storage units #2
6384-PSUR Hamilton Industries 10/9/2018
Hewlett Packard 5890 Gas Chromatograph
1687-LABX Hewlett-Packard 10/17/2017
High Capacity Gas Purifier
8409-PSUR SUPELCO 7/15/2019
HP 5890 AutoSampler Injector
1690-LABX Hewlett-Packard 10/17/2017
HP 7673 Controller
1689-LABX Hewlett-Packard 10/17/2017
Lab HPLC Eluent Generator Chromatography System
8391-PSUR Dionex 4/23/2019
Lot of 2 MiniRAE 2000 Gas Detectors
13656-PSUR 9/17/2020
Lot of 2 Steel AV Cart with Three Shelves ,
8357-PSUR N/A 2/11/2019
Lot of 3 Lakeside utility carts
8287-PSUR Lakeside 4/9/2019
Lot of Aligent Equipment
16475-PSUR 9/14/2021
Lot of assorted Gauges
8587-PSUR Assorted 4/22/2019
Lot of assorted lab glassware
17240-PSUR 12/21/2021
Lot of Dionex lab equipment
14188-PSUR Dionex 12/21/2020
Lot of Fisher Hamilton Science Upper Storage Cabinets
6378-PSUR Fisher Hamilton 10/9/2018
Lot of Fisher Hamilton Science Upper Storage Cabinets #2
6382-PSUR Hamilton industries 9/28/2018
Lot of Fisher Hamilton Science Upper Storage Cabinets #3
6383-PSUR Hamilton industries 9/20/2018
Lot of lab equipment
17007-PSUR 11/23/2021
Lot of Lab equipment #1
13796-PSUR 10/15/2020
Lot of Lab equipment #2
13797-PSUR 10/15/2020
Lot of misc lab equip
13862-PSUR 3/8/2021
Lot of misc lab equipment
16474-PSUR 9/2/2021
Lot of Soapstone counter tops #1
6367-PSUR n/a 10/9/2018
Lot of Soapstone counter tops #2
6368-PSUR n/a 10/9/2018
PE Nelson model 610
17008-PSUR 11/16/2021
Pentax Optical Theodalite
8241-PSUR Pentax 3/18/2019
Prodigy high dispersion icp
16965-PSUR 11/11/2021
Pyrex Glass 6404 2000ml
8604-PSUR Pyrex 4/23/2019
Sample Bottle Kit - 5 Cases of 25 Bottles
8381-PSUR Bureau Veritas 4/1/2021
Scale Weight Set
8588-PSUR Troemner & Ohaus 7/15/2019
Scale Weight Set
8562-PSUR TROEMNER 7/16/2019
Scale Weight Set
8563-PSUR TROEMNER 7/16/2019
Scale Weight Set
8561-PSUR Sto-a-Weigh 7/22/2019
stainless sink/counter
14158-PSUR n/a 12/3/2020
Tuttanauer Autoclave-Steam Sterilizer
16477-PSUR 9/1/2021
8450-PSUR VARIAN 9/23/2020
Equipment/Material Name SKU Manufacturer Created Date
Aqua tek 70 Liquid Autosampler 8532-AREV Tekmar Dohrmann 11/4/2019
1 LOT OF 5 CONVERTER TUBE W/RECHARGE 1/8 IN 8378-PSUR Supelco 7/15/2019
Agilent 7683 series injector 17009-PSUR 11/15/2021
Aqua tek 70 Liquid Autosampler 8533-AREV Tekmar Dohrmann 11/4/2019
Aquapal 3 15239-PSUR csc scientific co 4/20/2021
Arbiter Systems 921A Combustible Gas Meter 6663-PSUR Arbiter Systems 7/15/2019
Assorted misc. Laboratory material 8606-PSUR N/A 4/23/2019
Assortment of Laboratory Glassware 8605-PSUR N/A 4/23/2019
Atomic Absorption Systems 8422-PSUR ZEEMAN ATOMIC 9/23/2020
AutoSampler Tray for HP 5890 Gas Chromatograph 1688-LABX Hewlett-Packard 10/17/2017
Cap Crimper 8557-PSUR Pierce Chemical Co. 6/10/2019
Cap Crimper 8558-PSUR Hewlett Packard 6/10/2019
Cap Crimper 8559-PSUR Hewlett Packard 6/10/2019
Conductivity Detector CD20-1 & Lab Digital Chromatography 8390-PSUR 4/23/2019
Fisher Hamilton Fume Hood 6373-PSUR Fisher Hamilton 10/8/2018
Gilson 223 Sample Changer 8542-PSUR 4/23/2019
Gilson 223 Sample Changer 8543-PSUR Gilson 4/23/2019
Hamilton industries fume hood and solvent storage units 6380-PSUR Hamilton Industries 10/9/2018
Hamilton industries fume hood and solvent storage units #2 6384-PSUR Hamilton Industries 10/9/2018
Hewlett Packard 5890 Gas Chromatograph 1687-LABX Hewlett-Packard 10/17/2017
High Capacity Gas Purifier 8409-PSUR SUPELCO 7/15/2019
HP 5890 AutoSampler Injector 1690-LABX Hewlett-Packard 10/17/2017
HP 7673 Controller 1689-LABX Hewlett-Packard 10/17/2017
Lab HPLC Eluent Generator Chromatography System 8391-PSUR Dionex 4/23/2019
Lot of 2 MiniRAE 2000 Gas Detectors 13656-PSUR 9/17/2020
Lot of 2 Steel AV Cart with Three Shelves , 8357-PSUR N/A 2/11/2019
Lot of 3 Lakeside utility carts 8287-PSUR Lakeside 4/9/2019
Lot of Aligent Equipment 16475-PSUR 9/14/2021
Lot of assorted Gauges 8587-PSUR Assorted 4/22/2019
Lot of assorted lab glassware 17240-PSUR 12/21/2021
Lot of Dionex lab equipment 14188-PSUR Dionex 12/21/2020
Lot of Fisher Hamilton Science Upper Storage Cabinets 6378-PSUR Fisher Hamilton 10/9/2018
Lot of Fisher Hamilton Science Upper Storage Cabinets #2 6382-PSUR Hamilton industries 9/28/2018
Lot of Fisher Hamilton Science Upper Storage Cabinets #3 6383-PSUR Hamilton industries 9/20/2018
Lot of lab equipment 17007-PSUR 11/23/2021
Lot of Lab equipment #1 13796-PSUR 10/15/2020
Lot of Lab equipment #2 13797-PSUR 10/15/2020
Lot of misc lab equip 13862-PSUR 3/8/2021
Lot of misc lab equipment 16474-PSUR 9/2/2021
Lot of Soapstone counter tops #1 6367-PSUR n/a 10/9/2018
Lot of Soapstone counter tops #2 6368-PSUR n/a 10/9/2018
PE Nelson model 610 17008-PSUR 11/16/2021
Pentax Optical Theodalite 8241-PSUR Pentax 3/18/2019
Prodigy high dispersion icp 16965-PSUR 11/11/2021
Pyrex Glass 6404 2000ml 8604-PSUR Pyrex 4/23/2019
Sample Bottle Kit - 5 Cases of 25 Bottles 8381-PSUR Bureau Veritas 4/1/2021
Scale Weight Set 8588-PSUR Troemner & Ohaus 7/15/2019
Scale Weight Set 8562-PSUR TROEMNER 7/16/2019
Scale Weight Set 8563-PSUR TROEMNER 7/16/2019
Scale Weight Set 8561-PSUR Sto-a-Weigh 7/22/2019
stainless sink/counter 14158-PSUR n/a 12/3/2020
Tuttanauer Autoclave-Steam Sterilizer 16477-PSUR 9/1/2021